Watseka Area Food Pantry in need of pasta items

As the month of October approaches, pasta items are the suggested donations for Watseka Area Food Pantry. This includes all types of pasta and sauces to go with them.

Watseka Area Food Pantry is located in the fellowship hall of Watseka First United Methodist Church, 301 South Fourth. To access the food pantry, use the alleyway on the south side of the church – the entry to the pantry is under the canopy – once inside there’s a sign designating the pantry.

All donations will be accepted as long as they have not been opened and have not reached their use-by date. These items include canned meats, vegetables and fruits; meat substitutes, peanut butter; cold cereal, crackers, pancake mix and syrup; coffee, hot cocoa mix and tea; jams and jellies, cake mixes and instant pudding; and boxed items such as hamburger, chicken or tuna helpers and potato mixes.

Food items aren’t the only things the food pantry uses. There is also a need for items such as laundry soap and fabric softener; paper towels, napkins, toilet paper and paper plates; shampoo, soap, toothpaste, body wash; and baby items, including diapers. Additionally, the food pantry can use cash donations to purchase needed items.

If an individual or family is in need of food pantry items, they must call between 9-11 a.m. the day they would like to get the items. (815-432-0122).

94.1 WGFA