An earlier approved sales tax agreement between the City of Watseka and Bell Holdings Group was agreed on Tuesday evening. And that puts the proposed new Ford dealership for the city's east side back on track.
The project cost for a new road across from the Wal-Mart layout threw a wrench into earlier plans between the city and Bell Holdings. The City Council had decided the city would do no more than $250,000 for the price of a road for the dealership project.
A suggestion now agreed on gives the city less money for the first 10 years than what was in place with the original agreement. But the agreed ordinance now gives Bell Holdings the additional funds needed to borrow the $250,000 needed to get the road built.
Annexation proceedings will soon be underway to accept the east side property for the proposed dealership. Building permits would then be the next step.
94.1 FM, WGFA