SPRINGFIELD- State Senator Jason Barickman (R-Bloomington) joined an overwhelming majority in both the House and Senate Tuesday in overriding Governor Pat Quinn's amendatory veto of legislation bringing Illinois in line with a federal court order to finally join all 49 other states giving law-abiding, trained citizens the right to carry a concealed weapon.
"Governor Quinn attempted to derail months of hard work, give and take, and compromise with his amendatory veto," said Senator Barickman. "The General Assembly made a very wise move in quickly voting to override this veto and make Right-to-Carry the law of the land in Illinois."
State Representative Josh Harms (R-Watseka) also voted in the House to override the Governor's amendatory veto.
Harms called it "a historic day for Illinois." Harms said we now have conceal-carry in the state.
Barickman also opposed separate, last minute changes to the bill.
Senator Barickman called on Governor Quinn and the Illinois State Police to move quickly in implementing rules for permits to carry.
"This is law, and I hope the Governor and State Police move quickly to recognize and allow people to exercise their constitutional rights," said Barickman.
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