Historic Farm Days at Penfield

The I & I Antique Tractor & Gas Engine Club invites the public to visit Penfield this week for the 2019 Historic Farm Days. The show runs Thursday thru Sunday, featuring farm displays of yesteryear. It’s a family-fun event. Games for kids and daily tractor pulls are featured.

This year’s show features International Harvester, but all brands are welcome. The Penfield grounds is just off Route 136, east of Rantoul.

The Club got its start when a group of friends gto together to reminisce and relive bygone days. As the club grew, the friends developed a set of goals that drive activities today … PRESERVING FARMING METHODS OF THE PAST, PRESERVING and RESTORATION OF YESTERYEAR EQUIPMENT, and the ANNUAL ANTIQUE TRACTOR and GAS ENGINE SHOW.

94.1 WGFA