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Two drug-dealing defendants will spend time in the Livingston County Jail. Both pleaded guilty in the case, handled by the Fairbury and Pontiac Police and the Livingston County Proactive Unit. 23-year-old Dylan Layne of Pontiac...

                                            Iroquois County Sheriff’s Department is taking back unwanted prescription...

The WCHS gymnasium was the setting for wheelchair basketball Friday night. The third annual University of Illinois Wheelchair Basketball Game was a fundraiser for Options Center for Living – a non-profit for people with...

More than 400 degrees and certificates will be conferred at the 53rd annual Kankakee Community College commencement ceremony at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 14 in the George H. Ryan Gymnasium in the college's Activities Building. A...

Illinois Congresswoman Robin Kelly was a bearer of good news (Wed) for folks in Pembroke Township. She presented a $3-million check to Hopkins Park Mayor Mark Hodge. That check will help deliver broadband internet service to the...

As the Watseka Area Chamber of Commerce preps for its Annual Banquet, the recipients of this year’s Professional and Staff Achievement awards are being announced ahead of the May 4th event. Harbor House (Wed) was named the...

River Valley Metro Mass Transit District has announced face coverings are no longer required.  The mask requirement is now a recommendation, but not required for those using the bus system in Kankakee...

Government officials are alerted about those Statement of Economic Interests. They have been mailed to those who need to submit the forms. They’re due no later than May 1 Questions can be directed to Iroquois County Clerk Breein...

                                           IDOT ramping up efforts to address problem that cost $41.3 million Spring...

Like it or not, it's Tax Day. Anyone who hasn't filed their returns has until midnight to get it done, either online, by mail or with a professional. As of ten days ago, the agency had received more than 103-million returns but...