49-year-old Sharrie McInnis of Kankakee was sentenced (Monday) to 14 months in prison for theft of public money. The government previously stated at McInnis’s change-of-plea hearing that McInnis had been claiming Title...
The Village of Cissna Park and City of Gilman have turned to the Iroquois County Sheriff’s Department for police patrol. Sheriff Clint Perzee says the contractual arrangements between the county and municipalities appear to be a...
A Tuesday evening crash in Kankakee County left two people dead. It happened at the intersection of Routes 1 and 17 --- east of Kankakee. Emergency responders, including the Illinois State Police and the County Coroner, were at...
Senator Patrick Joyce is teaming with Rep. Fran Hurley in sponsoring a piece of legislation that would assist the families of fallen first responders. A tax check-off passed the Illinois House last week. House Bill 4161 aims...
This March, the Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA) is joining the Administration for Community Living (ACL) and local senior nutrition service providers to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the national Senior Nutrition...
Political candidates of both parties were in line this (Monday) morning to begin the process of filing petitions for the 2022 election. The State Board of Elections was a popular place as candidates were in line at 8...
Michael Madigan, the former speaker of the Illinois House and for decades one of the nation’s most powerful legislators, was charged Wednesday with racketeering and bribery. He becomes the most prominent politician swept up...
The EPA and State Fire Marshal’s Office will follow-up on a haz-mat emergency in Watseka. The Watseka fire chief says there’s no concern to the public.
A suspected gas leak turned out to be just that Monday. Watseka Fire Chief...
A traffic stop Monday in the 500-block of N. 4th Street in Watseka finds a local man facing charges. City Police report 38-year-old Theodore Scheidler was arrested for Possession of Meth and narcotic equipment. ...
A Hoopeston man died in an accident Monday on Illinois Route 1, south of Hoopeston. Another Hoopeston resident was seriously injured when the vehicle they were in rolled several times. Illinois State Police and the...