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Graduation ceremonies at Kankakee Community College are Saturday, May 12.  The 10 am event is at the George Ryan Gymnasium in the Activities Building.  It's the 49th annual event.  There are 450 graduates receiving...

Thick, black smoke hovered over downtown Gilman (Wednesday) when fire consumed a former lumberyard building. Elementary school children were evacuated from a couple blocks away and nearby businesses were evacuated. The...

Newton County Auditor 100% OF PRECINCTS REPORTING > Tami M. Jackson (R) 1,073 60% Leann Sale (R) 704 40% Newton County Recorder 100% OF PRECINCTS REPORTING > Janice M Wilson (R) 870 47% Cheryl Myers (R) 562 31% Joy McCann...

A solar farm in Watseka, near the County Courthouse, is open for discussion. State’s Attorney Jim Devine will review the county’s lease arrangement on farm ground, now used for agricultural purposes. A proposal from Microgrid...

There’s been a lot of inquiries, lot of questions from people for and against solar farms, and today (Tuesday) the Kankakee County Board took another step forward. The Board OK’d three additional solar farm sites. Earlier, the...

Four fire departments responded to a house fire in Elliott (Tuesday) where a man was found dead inside. Jeremy Turner was identified by Ford County Coroner Rick Flessner. The State Fire Marshall was investigating. The cause of...

The Illinois County Association (ICA) recently awarded Iroquois County scholarship gifts to benefit local non-profit groups. The ICA recognizes struggling economic times for agencies/organizations. And the ICA reaches out to...

   Residents and Businesses Can Apply for Low-Interest, Long-Term Loans to Boost Recovery from February Floods Gov. Bruce Rauner today announced the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) approved the state’s request...

The Gibson Area Hospital (GAH) Auxiliary held their annual Spring Banquet on Monday, April 30, at the First Presbyterian Church in Gibson City. The GAH Auxiliary awarded eight scholarships to students pursuing careers in health...

Harris is a member of the Damage exceeded $50,000 when fire broke out in the upstairs of home in Brook, IN Sunday night.  The occupant, Robert Harris, was treated for smoke inhalation.  He was taken to Fransciscan...