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Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner is expected to declare a harvest season emergency. Today’s (Friday) announcement will allow farmers to apply to the Illinois Department of Transportation to receive a free permit to haul 10 percent...

The Illinois Department of Public Health is working with local health departments throughout the state to fight a possible hepatitis A outbreak. While there’s no reported outbreaks in Illinois, IDPH says some bordering states...

A dead crow found August 27 in Loda tested positive for the West Nile virus. It’s yet another reminder that the weather conditions remain ripe for mosquitos and the potential for West Nile Virus. The Iroquois County Public...

Roland “Bogie” Boguszewski of Bradley has been honored by the Masonic Lodge. The Past Master of St. Anne 429 and Kankakee 389 Masonic Lodges was recently recognized at a dinner held by Illinois Priory #11. Boguezewski has been...

The possibility of heavy rainfall has the National Weather Service issuing a heads-up for potential flash flooding this week. An ‘Alert’ calls for east-central Illinois and west-central Indiana citizens to be prepared for...

Wrongful termination and whistle-blowing violations are among the issues in a lawsuit against individuals in Iroquois County government. The suit, filed in June, stems from a brewing controversy involving former Animal Control...

Kankakee County is ready to honor its three governors, including the two with checkered pasts. The county board voted last week to build a memorial to the three Illinois governors who called Kankakee home. Len Small, Samuel...

Proposed changes to the Ford County’s ordinance regulating wind farms is the focus of a meeting this week in Paxton. Thursday’s meeting is at 7:30 pm at the county courthouse. The meeting could be moved to accommodate a larger...

Iroquois County Treasurer Mindy Kuntz Hagan reminds taxpayers the deadline to pay the second installment of real estate taxes without penalty is Wednesday, September 5, 2018. After that date, 1 ½ percent interest on all property...

School is in session this week at Hoopeston, even though reports of strange phone calls and text messages. Yesterday (Monday was a Labor Day holiday. But what appears to have been a computer hack to the school district’s website...