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He thought it may be a two-year stint.  But all told, it's been a pleasant 16 years.  And he's loved it all. Rob Hoffmann plans to step aside from his career as executive director of River Valley Metro Mass...

A local lawmaker is expressing concern that Illinois’ new minimum wage law for teachers could lead to increases in property taxes. State Senator Jason Barickman says the pay hike to $40,000 could just force school districts to...

Motorists who drive dangerously in a crosswalk will now be facing a one-year suspension of their licenses, now that “Mason’s Law” is officially on the books. The new law was the result of legislation sponsored by State Sen. Jason...

The hit & run death of a Kankakee man last weekend now has a Bradley motorist facing a felony charge. Kankakee Police report an arrest was made last Friday 8/23 for the August 17th hit & run death of 51-year-old Donnie...

Vermilion County Coroner Jane McFadden released the name of a man who suffered fatal gunshot wounds at the courthouse in Danville Friday. 55-year-old Daryl Perkins of Hoopeston was the victim. He was shot by a sheriff deputy...

Grain tour aims to increase foreign sales for the Illinois agriculture industry and reinforce the state’s commitment to exporting Illinois grain Beginning Tuesday, the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) will host more...

The 2019 Farm Progress Show is off to a busy start.  John Gooding offers 'live' reports from Decatur on 94.1 WGFA.  Traffic Reminder: Farm Progress Show  >  Illinois Route 48 from Interstate 72 to Mound...

A Morocco, Indiana man was killed and his wife injured (Saturday) in a two-vehicle collision in Newton County, IN. Sheriff’s Police investigated 3 miles northeast of Morocco at County Road 200 and 100 E. 45-year-old Wayne Day was...

Red Cross and Sport Clips Haircuts partner to raise awareness of childhood cancers, offer free haircut coupon to donors in September September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and the American Red Cross encourages eligible...

For the second month in a row unemployment rates are up across East Central Illinois. The latest numbers from the Illinois Department of Employment Security show Iroquois County at 3.7% in July and Ford County at 4.4%. Iroquois...