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The death of two boys – due to a purposely set fire ---is sending a man to prison for 30 years. 65-year-old Alex Sawyer plead guilty to setting a fire in April of 2016. That fire killed 4-year-old Justice Stewart and 2-year-old...

  The Illinois Department of Agriculture will wait until next month (September) to hear from Iroquois County whether the County Board will say Yes or No to a proposed livestock management facility at Stockland. The Board...

Jason Tomes and Danielle Jeter of rural Sheldon are due in Iroquois County Court (Thursday). Both are charged with weapon and drug offenses following their arrests Tuesday by sheriff’s police. Authorities discovered multiple...

Iroquois County weekend fun is on the calendar for Cissna Park and Sheldon. The 132nd annual Cissna Park Old Settlers event is Thursday thru Satiurday, August 15 - 17.  American Legion Post 527 sponsors the event. Food...

Water problems in the Village of Danforth have been resolved. Plans to shut off water in sections of town over the next few days to locate the source of why the system was losing water are now cancelled.  ERH...

The Village of Donovan announced a water shut-off today (Wednesday 8/14) for north of Second Street and west of U.S. Route 52.  Residents should note there will be a Boil Order once the water service is restored. 94.1 WGFA
Tuesday is Agriculture Day at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield. Events include the Governor’s Sale of Champions, a Draft Horse Show, Cutest Little Farmer Contest and Truck and Tractor Pulls. 94.1 WGFA features a special...

A weekend incident in Watseka had city police searching for at least two young women who approached two young children. Watseka police issued an alert advising parents to talk to their children about safety measures. Police...

Today is Senior Day at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield. Those visiting the fair that are 60-year-old or older get in for free. Special events include the Illinois Senior Hall of Fame. The musical act on the grandstand...

The Cullom Junior Fair was held over the past weekend. The 72nd annual event included livestock shows, dairy and hog shows in the park drew crowds. The American Legion hosted different activities downtown during the Cullom...