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Unemployment rates are up across East-Central Illinois. New numbers released by the Illinois Department of Employment Security show numbers increasing in Iroquois, Ford and Vermilion Counties. In Iroquois County the jobless rate...

A Gibson City man was ordered back to prison for a 10-year term for his part in a fight that injured and killed another Gibson City man in 2013. 36-year-old Ryan Nibbe, prosecutors proved at trial, threw a punch that killed...

The Illinois Attorney General's office has issued a ruling that an emergency meeting the Kankakee County Board held in 2015 violated the Illinois Open Meetings Act. The local watchdog group, OUTRAGE, brought the complaint to the...

The Honorable Judge Michael Kramer will be swron-in as the newest Circuit Judge in the 21st Judicial Circuit Friday.  A 3 pm swearing-in ceremony is schedled at the Kankakee County Courthouse.  Chief Judge of the...

Citizens in the PBL school district are getting a say in what the future holds for the Eastlawn School. The 91-year-old building is the district's oldest facility. It's been reported to have structural damage. A community...

Residents and businesses affected by severe storms and flooding in Iroquois, Kankakee, Ford and Vermilion counties can apply for low-interest disaster loans. The application period is underway and will continue thru April...

The past weekend weather...temps reaching 80 degrees...may have a lot of folks ready for the big splash. Officials in area towns are prepping for the start of the swimming season. Most communities have a target date for opening...

Kankakee fire officials pegged Monday's emergency room fire at Prescent St. Mary's hospital at $25,000.  The fire was intentionally set.  An un-identified patient being treated in one of the exam rooms set the bed on...

The Watseka Unit Nine School District has sold the Woodland school building.  The school board had already decided to close the elementary bulding at the end of the current school year.  The Cornerstone Ministries...

Kankakee Police say the apartment building fire last week that killed two young boys was intentionally set. A suspect has been questioned and formal charges are being reviewed by the Kankakee County State's Attorney's office. In...