The City of Kankakee has a new Community Outreach Coordinator. Samantha Rocknowski has joined the Kankakee Economic and Community Development Agency (ECDA) as Rachel Schramm’s successor under the leadership of Executive Director...
Illinois State Police Commanders are announces the ISP will conduct Nighttime Enforcement (NITE) patrols in area counties during November.
NITE patrols allow troopers to focus on preventing, detecting, and taking enforcement...
Iroquois County Sherioff Clint Perzee is offering a few tips for motorists when driving during this active deer season. Quite a few vehicle-deer collisions in recent weeks. Sheriff Perzee wants drivers to use caution, especially...
Authorities in Livingston County report the arrest of 27-year-old Gage Weber of Pontiac. A search warrant was executed Friday at a local Fairbury residence. Weber was arrested on meth and weapons charges. Fairbury...
State Representative Jackie Haas has set up her Kankakee District Office as a Toys for Tots drop off location.
Donations will be accepted from now through December 1st at 370 E Court Street in Kankakee. Community members are...
Tired of changing the clocks twice a year because of daylight saving time? At least seven bills have been introduced in the Illinois General Assembly to change that. Each would either make it permanent in Illinois or make the...
Two individuals, considered homeless, were arrested by Watseka Police Sunday following a dispue in the 300-block of West Hickory Street. 28-year-old Haley Strong and 32-year-old Jeremy Lehnig were found to be wanted on...
Congressman Adam Kinzinger is leaving the U.S. House, but he admits he may not be done with politics just yet. The Illinois Republican told CNN he's looking at a statewide run and maybe a run for President. He said a...
The Kankakee County Sheriff's Office, along with area Fire/Rescue teams, continue to search for the now identified 60 year-old, Robert L. Gaddis, Jr. Gaddis, Jr. fell into the Kankakee River on Saturday (late morning), near Aroma...
Hoopeston, Wellington, and Rossville Fire Departments responded for a structure fire report Tuesday at 700 E Elm Street in Hoopeston along with Arrow Ambulance Service. Upon arrival, the structure was reported fully involved...