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Former Illinois Congressman Mel Reynolds is out of jail and wearing a bracelet. A federal judge released the ex-lawmaker (Thursday) from custody in the Kankakee County detention center. Reynolds will wear an electronic monitoring...

A Tennessee truck driver's stop in Gilman was well worth it. Howard Phelps bought a $2 instant Illinois lottery ticket that produced a winner - $1,000 per week for life ! The General Manager of the Pilot Flying J Travel Center...

An overturned cattle hauler caused all types of problems on I-57 in Rantoul. Illinois State Troopers joined Rantoul fire department members and other emergency responders (Thursday) in an effort to recover and rescue the...

8 contestants in each division Junior Division: 1st Place: Dance Duo from Shorewood Ameilia Koren & Riley Marco 2nd Place: Tap Dance, Hear Here Heroes from Hear Here Dance Studio in Watseka Cabery Brown Livia Kollman Brycea...

At least four tornados touched down in north-central Illinois Wednesday, as a series of powerful storms swept through the area. Widespread damage is reported, knocking out power to thousands of homes and businesses. The worst...

Today (Wednesday) marks the one-year anniversary of the Coal City tornado ripped apart the Grundy County community. An EF-3 tornado disrupted the small community's way of life. And today, the town is still rebuilding. It was...

Kacie Haag of Emington has been named one of four Illinois Star Award winners through the Illinois FFA. Her honor came at the 88th annual Illinois State FFA Convention, held June 14-16 at Springfield. Kacie won the Illinois Star...

A Danforth man operating a tractor-mower for the Illinois Department of Transportation escaped serious injury Tuesday when his equipment was hit from behind.  It happened at 8:30 am on Route 45/52 at 3250 N Road in Iroquois...

The Indiana Department of Natural Resources reported an elderly White County (IN) man drowned Monday. 82-year-old Edwin Franklin was identified as the victim. The DNR said Edwin Franklin took his canoe out into Lake Shafer...

Benton County, Indiana welcomed more than 100 cancer survivors (Saturday). The survivors and those who have lost their battle with the disease gathered for a Relay-for-Life event at Benton Central Jr-Sr High School. Event...