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A burglary investigation led to drug charges against two men in Hoopeston Wednesday.  22-year-old Colton Simon and 21 year-old Crhis Staats were charged with the residential burglary on S. 5th Street.  BNoth are also...

A special meeting of the Kankakee City Council (Tuesday) again resulted in the council members voting No for the appointment of Price Dumas as police chief. It’s the third time since June the council has rejected the appointment...

Fifty-five year-old Mark Oberloh of Sheldon was arrested Tuesday for child pornography and violatioin of bal bond.  Sheldon Polcie report Oberloh was being held earlier today. Sheldon Police also report the arrest of...

Sunny but Cold ...wind chills below River Valley Metro bus routes are FREE. Jump onboard, the buses serve as warming centers. A Milford Boil Order has been lifted. A barn fire in rural Manteno (early Tuesday) killed...

Miss Iroquois County Fair Queen Samantha Hasselbring and Miss Ford County Fair Queen Kelsey Vaughn will represent the area this weekend. Both young ladies are competing for the title of Miss Illinois County Fair Queen. The 59th...

A Savoy man died Monday morning after losing control of his car on Interstate 57. The victim has been identified as 58-year-old Robert Bross of Savoy. State police said Bross was driving a pickup truck northbound in Rantoul...

Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) introduced the “Streamlining and Expediting Approval for Communications Technologies Act” to improve how federal agencies review and approve applications to install...

An attic fire Saturday in Watseka did minor damage but displaced the family at 119 E. Ash Street.  A smoldering fire was found in the attic insulation, according to Fire Chief Tim Kethcum.  No injury reported.  The...

Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner will be spending his Martin Luther King holiday remembering the man that helped change how this country sees race. The governor is scheduled to visit three MLK celebrations today, all of them in...

The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Weather Advisory for Iroquois and Ford County and much of Central Illinois until noon today (Monday). NWS said light to moderate snow will fall across the area into early Monday...