Several municipal and county government bodies are getting their ordinances in place for compliance with Illinois’ new law for the sale of recreational marijuana. Deadlines are approaching in Springfield for the Department of...
The Kankakee Community College campus was closed down Thursday afternoon after a small boiler room fire. Sources indicated it was an electrical malfunction. The building was evacuated, activities shut down for the rest of the...
Wilmington Police seized 176 pounds of cannabis during a traffic stop Friday afternoon. A semi-tractor driver from Plainfield faces charges after a K-9 sniffed out the pot near Rt. 53 & S. Arsenal Rd in Wilmington.
District 21 Illinois State Police in Illinois and the Indiana State Police are promoting railroad safety this week. The state police are partnering with local, state and federal agencies to promote vehicle and pedestrian...
The Unit 9 school board is moving forward with its 10-year capital improvement plan. The focus is to offer the best opportunities for students while finding the best ways to overcome challenges of aging buildings; and fighting...
Wilmington Police seized 176 pounds of cannabis during a traffic stop Friday afternoon. A semi-tractor driver from Plainfield faces charges after a K-9 sniffed out the pot near Rt. 53 & S. Arsenal Rd in Wilmington.
Saturday's crowd and laughter and smiles at Legion Park in Watseka brought raving reviews about the city-sponsored family festival. Legiona Park was the setting for the event, which included vendors, games and musical...
The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs will soon be looking for contractors to take up the $230 million bond-funded project to build a new facility for the Quincy Veterans Home. IDVA Acting Director Linda Chapa LaVia expects...
The Iroquois Co CUSD 9 Board of Education is conducting a search for a new superintendent. The selection of a new superintendent is probably the most important decision a board of education has to make; therefore, the Board has...
A guilty plea in Kankakee Circuit Court (Tuesday) by 19 year old Yisel Varela for possession of drugs lands the young Kankakee woman in prison for six-years. State’s Attorney Jim Rowe says hopefully this serves as a lesson for...