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Cissna Park and Martinton are hosting weekend events in Iroquois County. The annual Martinton Fire & EMS Day offers activities in the village park. Proceeds from a chicken dinner....serving from 4 – 7 pm....goes toward...

The Vermilion River Fall Festival and Farmers Market is likely to attract thousands of people to Danville’s Ellsworth Park. The Festival started Friday and continues today (Saturday)...and from 11 am until 5 pm Sunday. City...

Vermilion County Health Department reports tests have confirmed the presence of West Nile Virus in the county. A dead crow found in Westville has tested positive for West Nile Virus in tests conducted by the Illinois Department...

Iroquois County voters will be asked in November if they support a quarter-cent sales tax to support public safety. Should it pass, it’s the County Board responsibility to channel the money to respective public safety avenues...

It’s not easy talking about and supporting a tax increase. But Iroquois County Board member Jed Whitlow says a public safety tax “is needed,” and the county’s safety is too important not to support this.” A referendum question...

A special finance meeting of the Watseka City Council is planned for September 29th.  Mayor Bob Harwood and the aldermen will examine proposals already on the table to discuss the future of the city water and water...

Kankakee Community College will sponsor its 21st annual job fair from 9 a.m. to noon on Thursday, Oct. 6. Booths are available, free of charge, for area businesses to participate. The reservation deadline is Sept. 26. Employers...

Illinois State Police in District 10 are partnering with local, state and federal agencies to promote vehicle and pedestrian safety around railroad tracks and trains during Illinois Rail Safety Week, September 11 – 17...

Several special remembrance events/services were held over the weekend in memory of those killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Churches held interfaith services, fire and police departments gathered to recall that...

Kankakee Mayor Nina Epstein announced (Thursday) she will seek a third term in office. Her announcement candidacy was made in front of supporters in downtown Kankakee. The spring election, she said, will focus on three factors ---...