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A special reception was held Wednesday to honor Gibson Area Hospital & Health Services (GAHHS) Radiologist Gary Kerber, MD. Dr. Kerber is the recipient of the 2018 Illinois Rural Physician of Excellence Award from the...

The Village of Bradley is alerting the public to a road closing beginning Monday. Starting at 7 am (Monday 10-15)-- the North Street railroad crossing near Washington Road will be closed for about 10 days. Motorists are advised...

The Jasper County, IN Sheriff's Office is looking for a semi that drove off after running over a car and leaving a woman dead. The woman is identified as 40-year-old Melissa Deno of Rensselaer. At a press conference (Thursday)...

Recent rain kept area farmers on the sideline for the last few days. Now, many farmers are anxious to wrap up the fall harvest. The USDA reports more than half the corn and soybeans have been brought in --- before the rain...

A boil order was issued Thursday for the Village of Clifton --- until further notice.  It applies to those along Elliott Street west to 4th Street and also W. 3rd Avenue south fo the city limits. Watseka Boil Order lifted...

A chilly start to a Friday morning !  Temperature readings in the low 30s in several communities.  The WGFA Radio temp at 5:30 am was 32 degrees.Areas a frost blanket the area and today's high only at 45. Frost is...

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) announced the release of funds for more than $14 million in capital improvement projects at state parks and recreation areas. This money was included in the FY19 bipartisan...

Olivet Nazarene University and the Kankakee County Museum host a screening of the film Legends of Michiana: Jerry Hammes on Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2018, 7 p.m., at Kresge Auditorium in Larsen Fine Arts Center on campus. A short...

Saint Joseph’s College at Rensselaer, IN has been resurrected by partnering with Marian University on a new two-year college in Indianapolis. The liberal arts college in Jasper County closed last year but is now teaming up with...

County Clerks offer information and answer questions about voter registration and early voting as we approach the November 6 Election. Despite Tuesday’s deadline to register to vote, Illinois voters can take advantage of grace...