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A man is dead after gunfire broke out in Kankakee over the weekend. A second man was critically wounded from gunshot wounds. No official word yet on whether it's considered gang related. 27-year-old Leroy McDaniels of Kankakee...

22-year-old Terrell Love of Kankakee will spend some time in prison. He was sentenced in U-S District Court to six years for possession of a gun while on parole. Love pleaded guilty to the weapons charge before Judge Michael...

Springfield...On May 15th State Representative Josh Harms and fellow Republicans in the House of Representatives fought against over 70 new bills proposed by the majority party that expanded state budget expenditures beyond the...

Twenty sheriff's deputies in the Kankakee County department have received formal lay-off notices. They're effective July 13th, according to Fraternal Order of Police Lodge # 150. The union has filed a grievance asking the...

The proposed 2014 budget for the Iroquois County Public Health Department is available for public review in the Iroquois County Clerk's Office. The board of health will vote on the budget during its May 21 meeting, scheduled for...

The chairman of the Kankakee County Chamber of Commerce says 'Thank You," a huge Thank You to the many members and supporters who've made a mission happen. Mike O'Brien even thanked his wife and parents for their roles in...

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Borrowing the philosophical thought of Teddy Roosevelt, and making the most of what's at hand, created a work ethic that has earned Sandra Knight the ATHENA Award. The honor...

The Illinois Department of Transportation has named the Vermilion Regional Airport the 'General Aviation Airport of the Year.' The award is for Category A, and was one of seven awarded Wednesday at the Illinois Aviation...

The Illinois Department of Public Health has said 'yes" to certification to the new health departments serving Ford and Iroquois counties. The certification approval for both counties is for five years. The approval came from...

Watseka Police are investigating a Monday night incident in which a shot was allegedly fired at a residence. No one was injured. Police Chief Roger Leback reports officers responded to a report of a shot fired at a residence in...